Most people perceive cold showers as torture and unbearable. On the other hand, hot showers are considered a luxury that has become a daily routine to some people regardless of weather/climate condition. But do you know that hot showers pose numerous health problems to you, unlike cold showers. It has been proven that people who take cold showers every day, live long healthy lives. From aiding in muscle recovery after vigorous body exercise or injury, to relieving stress and depression, to boosting fertility, to increasing body immunity; cold showers are highly recommended, and are used to remedy some body conditions.
Here are some of the benefits of taking cold showers.
1. Speeds muscle recovery
Cold showers are often linked to muscle recovery after an injury or workout. A habit common adopted by athletes, bodybuilders and gym goers. Cold water helps in reducing inflammation and promoting recuperation and repairing of microtrauma. Ever thought why we put ice on injured body parts to reduce swelling? This is because, the ice will cause increased blood flow as the heart pumps more blood to keep the body warm, thus reducing the amount of time it takes for the muscle tissue to recover.
2. Relieves stress
Clod showers help increase the levels of glutathione, an antioxidant that makes other antioxidants to perform at their optimal levels. Cold stimuli also help in the reduction of uric acid in the body, thus making the body tissues and muscles to relax. This helps to reduce stress.
3. Boosts the immune system
Cold water facilitates high production of white blood cells in the body, thus enhancing the body immune system. We all know that white blood cells fight off bacteria and virus in the body. Blood also surround body organs to keep the warm, this can help combat skin and heart related problems. Regular cold showers, can help lower blood pressure, clear blocked arteries and boost the body’s immune system. It also helps in contraction of lymph vessels moving fluid throughout the body, in the process removing toxins.
4. Improves blood circulation
When the body is subjected to cold environment, the heart is forced to pump more blood in an attempt to raise the body temperature. This in turn improves the blood flow and circulation, making arteries to efficiently pump blood, in the process boosting the overall health of the body.
5. Increases alertness
When cold water comes into contact with the body, the body often gets some shock (vasoconstriction. In response, there is a deep breathing that flows. This increases the overall oxygen intake, faster heart rate and adrenaline release. The heart rate increases, releasing a blood surge through the entire body. This gives the body a natural dose of energy and metabolism, which in turn raises the level of alertness and mental lift.
6. Refines hair
Cold water also facilitates flattening hair follicle and increasing their ability to grip the scalp. This makes the hair become healthier, stronger and appear shinier.
7. Skincare
Cold water helps in strengthening the contractile fibers to firmly tighten skin cuticles and pores, preventing them from getting clogged. Cold showers also help in strengthening the arterioles, this in turn improves the skin’s ability to respond to injury.
8. Speeds weight loss
White fat arises as a result of increased consumption of calories that the body needs to function. The excess calories are not burned for energy, but rather stored as white fat. This fat pile up at the neck, thighs, waist and lower back. When exposed to cold brown fat is activated, burning calories to generate heat to keep the body warm. When this occurs, the white fat diminishes and weight loss is achieved.
9. Relives itchy skin
Hot water strips natural fats and oils from the skin surface, causing blood flow in the dermis to increase. This dilatation in conjunction with direct stimulation of nerve endings increases the itch response. Cold showers do the opposite, thus reliving itchy skin conditions
10. Increase testosterone levels
Cold water helps to increase the production of testosterone in men. This will boost a man’s libido, in addition to his overall strength and energy level.
11. Increases fertility
Hot showers have a negative impact on sperm count in men. Hot water can drastically reduce the sperm count as sperms thrive best in cold temperatures. Washing testes with ice-cold water has often be recommended as a remedy to men with lower sperm count.
12. Reduces depression
When exposed to cold water, the body sends an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain. This can result in an anti-depressive effect.
13. Draining the lymphatic system
The lymphatic system helps in carrying out wastes from the body cells. Thus, removing toxins that would otherwise cause infections. A blocked lymphatic system can prove fatal to the general immune of the body. Exposing the body to cold water creates contractions of the lymph vessels that helps in pumping out fluid that may have stagnated in the vessels.
14. Reduce opioid addiction
Opioid drugs affect the opioid receptors of the brain. Cold water increases the levels of beta-endorphin, the hormone that binds to the opioid receptors of the brain. This can drastically reduce opioid or even heroin addiction.
15. Prevents varicose veins
Varicose veins arise due to clogging of blood in the veins resulting is slow flow of blood. Cold water can increase the rate at which the heart pumps blood, thus facilitating blood circulation.
Great stuff ! I like it
Good insight. It also prevents skin from early wrinkles.