It’s extremely important to have an effective budget to manage your finances. Budgeting apps make it really easy to create a budget and stick to it. There are hundreds of budgeting apps that can help you with saving money and stop spending unnecessarily. But you can get overwhelmed with so many apps and get confused about which one to use. To help you out, we have highlighted the best budgeting apps that are useful for budgeting your finances and saving money.
Here are the top 10 best budgeting apps.
1. Mint
If you’ve got several bank accounts and struggle tracking your spending, Mint is a great option. It’s free to use and brings all your accounts to one platform for easier tracking. You can set up your budget and categories and track your spending each month.
2. Simplifi
If you struggle to stick to a budget and lose focus easily, Simplifi is a great solution. It takes just five minutes a week to track your finances, and it automatically generates spending plans to help you reach your goals.
3. PocketGuard
If you overspend every month, Pocketguard is a tool to help you stop. It helps to track your expenditure and plan your financial life accordingly. The best features include tips on saving as well as spending and helps you decide whether you need to have a big purchase or not. You’ll get automatic alerts on your phone letting you know how much money you have left after your bills and which categories you’re overspending on.
4. Personal Capital
This app helps you save money. Your investment details are shown in the dashboard. They even assess your assets and find out your net worth. You can also get to know how much you save from this app. It helps you make smart decisions regarding handling money.
5. EveryDollar
This app works uniquely. It subtracts each of your expenses from your income until it becomes zero dollars. Thus, it makes you aware of the money you have at your hand so that you stop overspending.
6. Albert
This app gives you expert advice on spending less and saving more, apart from the traditional tracking record of your finances. It keeps track of even the minor expenses of your daily life. You can seek an opinion from experts too.
7. Dollarbird
This app does not track the expenditure based on categories; it does that date-wise. Thus, it helps you to form the long-term habit to record your expenditures every day manually. We often ignore the recurring wastage of money in some areas because they are small. This app makes you aware of that.
8. Goodbudget
This app takes a different approach to manage your expenses by offering digital envelopes to use. You can track your budget from both your phone and pc using this app. It helps you to track your debts too.
9. Simple
It automatically tracks your transactions and presents that with your income, provided you connect your bank account with it. You can add your financial goals through the interface, and the app will find out how close you are to achieve it based on your saving and expenditure records.
10. Chip
This app prohibits you from spending unnecessarily and helps in saving wisely. You can link your bank account with Chip to have a clear knowledge of your expenditure, make saving goals that are realistic, and maintain a streak of days when you save. Chip helps you to save some bucks every day.
Since we live in a world of technology, there are many budgeting apps that you can easily download and have on your device to help you keep your spending in check. With notifications and reminders sent right to your phone, it’s hard to ignore it like a paper budget.