If you are just exhausted and fed up with owing money on auto loans, credit cards, or some other outstanding bills and lines of credit, it’s high time you take things seriously and start paying off your debts. Eliminating debts is pretty tough, therefore you must seriously commit to eliminating debt. You have to approach it in a disciplined manner and it certainly necessitates lifestyle modifications. It often becomes mandatory to ignore peer pressure.
Indeed you must not chalk out an extremely strict plan that you would find it impossible to follow. You can also seek professional advice or assistance from experts. It is always a good idea to stick to making some difficult choices such as give up shopping sprees, spa days, or even wild nights out and many such expensive and tangible pleasures for achieving your dream of becoming debt-free.
The first concrete step towards debt elimination is to consider totaling up all your outstanding debts and the interest amount that is due towards each creditor. However, most people find it difficult to deal with the numbers. It is best to use some of the cutting-edge digital debt payoff planning tools that help motivate you so that you are determined about sticking to your debt repayment plan.
1. Vertex42
If you are looking for using an effective spreadsheet for all your debt repayments, you could opt for Vertex42 that is known to offer free budgeting, financial, and business templates. The debt snowball calculator of this website is just perfect for people working to pay off their outstanding balances. Vertex 42 is highly-customizable. It is capable of adding monthly additional payments and one-time payments or even their combination.
You could simply add $10 somewhere and notice how accurately even negligible amounts seem to leave a reasonable impact on your debt payoff timeline. Some more effective debt spreadsheets that you could access on Vertex42 are ones meant for credit card payoffs, credit repair, and also, mortgage payoffs. These could be downloaded for free.
2. Undebt.it
Undebt.it is supposed to be a free debt snowball calculator that is mobile-friendly and it comes up with a simple and easy-to-follow debt repayment plan so that you could ultimately eliminate all your existing debts. You could get a detailed view of your debt scenario just like Vertex42; however, Undebt.it provides it in an effective online format. Undebt.it boasts of seven diverse accelerated debt payoff tools and even the option to generate a customized plan.
The tool helps in paying down your debts either by starting with your lowest balance as in the typical Debt Snowball Method or you may consider paying off your debts by starting with the highest rate of interest first as in the Debt Avalanche Method. You may opt for the option that best suits your requirements. Moreover, you have the liberty to switch between the two whenever you want.
3. Mint.com
If you are not already using Mint.com for managing your household monthly budget, you must start doing it as it offers a special financial goals feature that could help in seamlessly integrating with specifically your monthly finances. You could consider creating and tracking goals for almost everything with Mint.com.
This works best for paying off your debts, saving for college education, or planning for retirement. Once you link the proper loan account or credit card related to a specific goal, you could review a plan, get an estimate of accurate monthly payment amounts and you could even consider transferring the outstanding balance effectively to a credit card that offers a relatively lower interest rate.
This tool would be suggesting more options that motivate you to consider paying off all your debts using whatever savings you have or chalking out a budgeting plan for effectively controlling your spending. Depending on your actions, desired timeline and monthly payments, the effective goals feature would be calculating exactly when you could expect to get out of the debt trap.
4. Debt Eliminator Tool
The Debt Eliminator Tool is supposed to be a personalized plan designed by Suze Orman, the noted financial guru. Whatever information you are inputting into Debt Eliminator is not saved or stored. You just need to start by typing in your name, loans, and credit card outstanding debts you are having and the extra amount you could dedicate towards those debts. A separate row would be generated specifically for every single debt so that you could get an overview of all your remaining balances.
Once you input all your existing debts, you could tap on the ‘Next’ key. You would be asked if there is any additional sum to be dedicated to your current monthly amount along with the minimum payments. Once this step is done, you must click at ‘Find Your Plan’ for getting a detailed debt payoff plan. Generally, the Debt Eliminator Tool would be recommending the effective debt snowball method for repaying your debts.
This involves paying off the minimum balance towards your existing debts but one – your debt with the lowest balance and dedicates all additional funds towards paying off that single loan. Once this debt account is repaid, you should focus all your attention and dedicate all your extra funds towards the loan with the lowest balance pending and keep on in this manner until all your debts are eliminated for good.
5. Unbury.me
No other tool could match the simplicity of Unbury.me. The website promises a streamlined and intuitive interface without any complications. Everyone could make effective use of this brilliant tool and come up with an effective debt repayment plan. Moreover, there is no necessity for logging in or creating an account. Unbury.me is certainly not the most robust debt repayment tool but it is easy to navigate and immensely user-friendly tool.
When you are grappling with overpowering debts, things could feel terrible as you do not know where to start the repayment or the debt management process. Fortunately, you have access to Unbury.me that promises to be a reasonably straightforward and simple calculator tool for helping you to get out of your current financial mess and get a firm grip over your finances. Unbury.me would be offering payment options depending on either the Debt Snowball Method or the Avalanche Method.
Once your comprehensive debt information is input into this calculator, you could opt for an effective comparative analysis of the debt reduction methods and identify the method that suits you best in terms of finances and your overall current situation. You could consider tweaking monthly payment sum and you would find that the chart would be updated accordingly to demonstrate your remaining balance, the precise interest amount and also, the expected date for gaining freedom from all your debts.
Debt is often approached in various ways and people are used to responding to diverse motivators. Hence, different people would be benefitted from different debt repayment methods. You could choose from a plethora of debt payoff or debt reduction planning tools and opt for the one that suits you best.