Te-hanaraka na tsy aharihary olona ao amin'ny Twitter ve ianao raha tsy misy fanelingelenana manindry bokotra manaraka / tsy misy fotony? Ity ambany ity ny kaody azonao ampiasaina amin'ny fanarahana amam-bahoaka na olona tsy voatanisa ao amin'ny Twitter. Saingy tadidio fa mampiasa ireto script manaraka ireto / tsy misy alàlan'ny Twitter ho an'ny fampiasana / fitsapana ho anao manokana ary manaja ny zon'ny Twitter.
Manaraka ny script script ny Twitter
Mba hampandehanana ny script script an'ny Twitter dia mila mampiasa browser Chrome ianao.
- Open Twitter ary midira ao amin'ny kaontinao.
- Sokafy ny mombamomba ny olona iray.
- Kitiho ny mpanaraka dia ho hitanao ny lisitry ny olona manaraka ny mombamomba anao.
- Mihodinkodina midina im-betsaka raha te hampiditra mombamomba bebe kokoa amin'ny lisitra.
- Press SHIFT + CTRL + izaho (Windows) na CMD + OPT + izaho (Mac) eo amin'ny klavier na tsindrio havanana na aiza na aiza ao amin'ny navigateur ary safidio ny "Inspect Element" na tsindrio ny kisary menu Chrome eo amin'ny zoro ambony havanana amin'ny varavarankelin'ny navigateur ary mandehana any. Fitaovana bebe kokoa> Fitaovana fampivoarana.
- Safidio ny tabilao "Console".
- Adikao ary apetaho ny kaody etsy ambany mba hampionona ary tsindrio ny "Enter".
let btns = document.querySelectorAll("[data-testid]")
let followBtns = Array.from(btns).filter(btn => {
return btn.getAttribute('data-testid').includes('follow')
for (let i = 1; i <= followBtns.length; i++) {
setTimeout(() => {
followBtns[i - 1].click()
}, 1000 * i);
Takelaka tsy voafetra ao amin'ny Twitter
Mba hampandehanana ny script script tsy misy Twitter dia mila mampiasa browser Chrome ianao.
- Open Twitter ary midira ao amin'ny kaontinao.
- Kitiho ny Manaraka dia ho hitanao ny lisitry ny olona arahinao.
- Mihodinkodina midina im-betsaka raha te hampiditra mombamomba bebe kokoa amin'ny lisitra.
- Press SHIFT + CTRL + izaho (Windows) na CMD + OPT + izaho (Mac) eo amin'ny klavier na tsindrio havanana na aiza na aiza ao amin'ny navigateur ary safidio ny "Inspect Element" na tsindrio ny kisary menu Chrome eo amin'ny zoro ambony havanana amin'ny varavarankelin'ny navigateur ary mandehana any. Fitaovana bebe kokoa> Fitaovana fampivoarana
- Safidio ny tabilao "Console".
a. Atsipy ireo tsy manaraka ao
Mba hialana amin'ny fanarahana ireo olona rehetra tsy manaraka anao, dia adikao ary apetaho ny kaody etsy ambany mba hampionona ary tsindrio ny "Enter".
var LANGUAGE = "EN"; //NOTE: change it to use your language!
var WORDS =
//English language:
followsYouText: "Follows you", //Text that informs that follows you.
followingButtonText: "Following", //Text of the "Following" button.
confirmationButtonText: "Unfollow" //Text of the confirmation button. I am not totally sure.
//Spanish language:
followsYouText: "Te sigue", //Text that informs that follows you.
followingButtonText: "Siguiendo", //Text of the "Following" button.
confirmationButtonText: "Dejar de seguir" //Text of the confirmation button. I am not totally sure.
//NOTE: if needed, add your language here...
var UNFOLLOW_FOLLOWERS = false; //If set to true, it will also remove followers (unless they are skipped).
var MS_PER_CYCLE = 10; //Milliseconds per cycle (each call to 'performUnfollow').
var MAXIMUM_UNFOLLOW_ACTIONS_PER_CYCLE = null; //Maximum of unfollow actions to perform, per cycle (each call to 'performUnfollow'). Set to 'null' to have no limit.
var MAXIMUM_UNFOLLOW_ACTIONS_TOTAL = null; //Maximum of unfollow actions to perform, in total (among all calls to 'performUnfollow'). Set to 'null' to have no limit.
var SKIP_USERS = //Users that we do not want to unfollow (even if they are not following you back):
//Place the user names that you want to skip here (they will not be unfollowed):
SKIP_USERS.forEach(function(value, index) { SKIP_USERS[index] = value.toLowerCase(); }); //Transforms all the user names to lower case as it will be case insensitive.
var _UNFOLLOWED_TOTAL = 0; //Keeps the number of total unfollow actions performed. Read-only (do not modify).
//Function that unfollows non-followers on Twitter:
var performUnfollow = function(followsYouText, followingButtonText, confirmationButtonText, unfollowFollowers, maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle, maximumUnfollowActionsTotal)
var unfollowed = 0;
followsYouText = followsYouText || WORDS.EN.followsYouText; //Text that informs that follows you.
followingButtonText = followingButtonText || WORDS.EN.followingButtonText; //Text of the "Following" button.
confirmationButtonText = confirmationButtonText || WORDS.EN.confirmationButtonText; //Text of the confirmation button.
unfollowFollowers = typeof(unfollowFollowers) === "undefined" || unfollowFollowers === null ? UNFOLLOW_FOLLOWERS : unfollowFollowers;
maximumUnfollowActionsTotal = maximumUnfollowActionsTotal === null || !isNaN(parseInt(maximumUnfollowActionsTotal)) ? maximumUnfollowActionsTotal : MAXIMUM_UNFOLLOW_ACTIONS_TOTAL || null;
maximumUnfollowActionsTotal = !isNaN(parseInt(maximumUnfollowActionsTotal)) ? parseInt(maximumUnfollowActionsTotal) : null;
maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle = maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle === null || !isNaN(parseInt(maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle)) ? maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle : MAXIMUM_UNFOLLOW_ACTIONS_PER_CYCLE || null;
maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle = !isNaN(parseInt(maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle)) ? parseInt(maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle) : null;
//Looks through all the containers of each user:
var totalLimitReached = false;
var localLimitReached = false;
var userContainers = document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid=UserCell]');
//If we have reached a limit previously, exits silently:
if (totalLimitReached || localLimitReached) { return; }
//If we have reached the maximum desired number of total unfollow actions, exits:
else if (maximumUnfollowActionsTotal !== null && _UNFOLLOWED_TOTAL >= maximumUnfollowActionsTotal) { console.log("Exiting! Limit of unfollow actions in total reached: " + maximumUnfollowActionsTotal); totalLimitReached = true; return; }
//...otherwise, if we have reached the maximum desired number of local unfollow actions, exits:
else if (maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle !== null && unfollowed >= maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle) { console.log("Exiting! Limit of unfollow actions per cycle reached: " + maximumUnfollowActionsPerCycle); localLimitReached = true; return; }
//Checks whether the user is following you:
if (!unfollowFollowers)
var followsYou = false;
if (element.textContent === followsYouText) { followsYou = true; }
else { followsYou = false; } //If we want to also unfollow followers, we consider it is not a follower.
//If the user is not following you (or we also want to unfollow followers):
if (!followsYou)
//Finds the user name and checks whether we want to skip this user or not:
var skipUser = false;
var userName = "";
function (element)
if (skipUser) { return; }
if (element.href.indexOf("search?q=") !== -1 || element.href.indexOf("/") === -1) { return; }
userName = element.href.substring(element.href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).toLowerCase();
function (subElement)
if (subElement.textContent.toLowerCase() === "@" + userName)
if (SKIP_USERS.indexOf(userName) !== -1)
console.log("We want to skip: " + userName);
skipUser = true;
//If we do not want to skip the user:
if (!skipUser)
//Finds the unfollow button:
//If the unfollow button is found, clicks it:
if (element.textContent === followingButtonText)
console.log("* Unfollowing: " + userName);
//If there is a confirmation dialog, press it automatically:
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[role=button]')).find //Finds the confirmation button.
//If the confirmation button is found, clicks it:
if (element.textContent === confirmationButtonText)
return totalLimitReached ? null : unfollowed; //If the total limit has been reached, returns null. Otherwise, returns the number of unfollowed people.
//Scrolls and unfollows non-followers, constantly:
var scrollAndUnfollow = function()
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
var unfollowed = performUnfollow(WORDS[LANGUAGE].followsYouText, WORDS[LANGUAGE].followingButtonText, WORDS[LANGUAGE].confirmationButtonText, UNFOLLOW_FOLLOWERS, MAXIMUM_UNFOLLOW_ACTIONS_PER_CYCLE, MAXIMUM_UNFOLLOW_ACTIONS_TOTAL); //For English, you can try to call it without parameters.
if (unfollowed !== null) { setTimeout(scrollAndUnfollow, MS_PER_CYCLE); }
else { console.log("Total desired of unfollow actions performed!"); }
b. Tsy misy miverina
Mba hialana amin'ny fanarahana ireo olona rehetra arahinao, dia adikao ary apetaho ny kaody etsy ambany mba hampionona ary tsindrio ny "Enter".
(() => {
const $followButtons = '[data-testid$="-unfollow"]';
const $confirmButton = '[data-testid="confirmationSheetConfirm"]';
const retry = {
count: 0,
limit: 3,
const scrollToTheBottom = () => window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
const retryLimitReached = () => retry.count === retry.limit;
const addNewRetry = () => retry.count++;
const sleep = ({ seconds }) =>
new Promise((proceed) => {
console.log(`WAITING FOR ${seconds} SECONDS...`);
setTimeout(proceed, seconds * 1000);
const unfollowAll = async (followButtons) => {
console.log(`UNFOLLOWING ${followButtons.length} USERS...`);
await Promise.all(
followButtons.map(async (followButton) => {
followButton && followButton.click();
await sleep({ seconds: 1 });
const confirmButton = document.querySelector($confirmButton);
confirmButton && confirmButton.click();
const nextBatch = async () => {
await sleep({ seconds: 1 });
const followButtons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll($followButtons));
const followButtonsWereFound = followButtons.length > 0;
if (followButtonsWereFound) {
await unfollowAll(followButtons);
await sleep({ seconds: 2 });
return nextBatch();
} else {
if (retryLimitReached()) {
} else {
await sleep({ seconds: 2 });
return nextBatch();
Misaotra indrindra izay notadiaviko.
Fampahalalana lehibe izany. Inona no isa tsy manaraka isan'andro alohan'ny handikanao ny fitsipika tsy manaraka.
Tsara Victor! Nahomby izany. Misy toro-hevitra hialana amin'ny tanana tsy mavitrika ao amin'ny Twitter? Ny tiako holazaina dia ireo tompon'andraikitra izay tsy nisioka hoe 2 taona na mihoatra? Hankasitraka ny valinteninao aho. Mbola hamerina hijery indray aho.