Google Autocomplete is a feature within Google Search that makes it faster to complete searches that you start to type. It’s still one of the best tools for finding keywords in SEO. Most people are familiar with the simple “complete the phrase” method but there’s more to Google Autocomplete than that. You can use fill in the blanks, plurals, and different word ordering to get even more keyword ideas. Requirements:
- You must be signed into your Google account.
- You must go to (don’t type in the actual browser).
- You must hide private results to prevent bias listings.
1. Complete the phrase
If you want Google to complete the last part of the phrase, start typing in a phrase and Google will complete it. Just remember, this works best when it’s the last part of the phrase you want Google to complete. For example, “wedding…”.
2. Fill in the blank
You can use the underscore character “_” to have Google complete any part of the phrase. Instead of having Google complete only the last part, this can show you a better selection of keywords depending on what type of phrase it is. For example, “wedding_venue”.
3. Plurals vs Non-plurals
Plurals often show different keywords than non-plurals. This helps you find keywords you may have missed, with non-plurals or plurals only. For example; “wedding venue” vs “wedding venues”.
4. Different word ordering
Use the “fill in the blank” method only try changing the position of the underscore. Remember, you can use the underscore anywhere to get more keyword ideas. For example; “_wedding venue”.